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Washington HC Ron Rivera cancer-free after season-long bout

Ron Rivera just earned his biggest victory of this season: He is cancer-free.

Rivera's daughter, Courtney, broke the great news Thursday on Twitter.

"Thank you all for the love and prayers," . "Just got off the phone with mom and dad leaving the hospital. is officially cancer free!!!"

The Washington Football Team head coach was diagnosed with squamous cell cancer in August. He completed treatment in late October and managed to not miss a game while leading WFT to the NFC East title, garnering support from his former team and throughout the league in the process. All of it makes him a candidate for Coach of the Year in his debut season with Washington.

"It's a struggle," Rivera called his cancer bout early in the season. "It's a battle. And I just don't represent me. I represent all those folks. All those people that are afflicted, all those people that fight, all those people that have fought."

The 59-year-old Rivera has long fought for more than himself.

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