Robert Jackson
Robert Jackson was a commander in his high school's ROTC when he developed a commitment to good citizenship and a civil society. Mr. Jackson founded The High School Voters Project after learning that the national average of 18–20-year-old citizens who were registered to vote was 9.6%. Upon realizing that many candidates disregarded young people due to their low voter turnout, he opted to encourage them instead of resorting to reproach. Each year he coordinates with school systems, partners, and volunteers to encourage students to register to vote. Since 2003, he has led efforts to register more than 20,000 students to vote in Louisiana. Mr. Jackson is well respected in his community and has garnered a great deal of respect and support by his community members. The latest measure of support was having the "Louisiana High School Senior's Voter Registration Day" act signed by Louisiana Governor John Bell Edwards in June 2023. Mr. Jackson has also been a a driving force in efforts to establish the 1st Tuesday in May as National High School Senior's Voter Registration Day.